HNTB is the prime consultant and lead designer for the transformation of Van Buren Street in Milwaukee. This project focuses on improving safety and accessibility for pedestrians, cyclists and transit users.

Van Buren Street is a high-traffic corridor with significant potential for pedestrian and cyclist injuries. Over 10,000 residents live in the immediate vicinity, and 80,000 jobs are located in the surrounding area. The project aims to address safety concerns while creating a more inviting and functional space for the community.

Key goals for the Van Buren Street project include:

  • Improve walking, biking and transit accommodations
  • Reduce motor vehicle speeds
  • Reduce crashes for all users
  • Create an all-ages ability bikeway
  • Enhance streetscape elements

Additionally, the project will create a unique bicycle experience in Milwaukee by providing a two-way cycle track and some of Milwaukee’s first floating bus islands. The design uses “pinned-on” protected bicycle infrastructure to maintain curb lines and reduce drainage impacts. HNTB has helped identify cost-efficient solutions while staying within an aggressive schedule.

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Client: City of Milwaukee

Services: Urban design and planning; landscape architecture; active transportation and complete streets; PI and communications