Partnering with WisDOT, HNTB, as part of the Tri-County Partners (TCP) Joint Venture, led the design of the Tri-County Freeway Expansion to improve a corridor that carries more than 100,000 vehicles per day — one of the busiest roadways in Northeast Wisconsin. Project goals included upgrading the US 10/WIS 441 freeway, US 10/I- 41 system Interchange and four service interchanges East of Little Lake Butte Des Morts (LLBDM) in Winnebago, Calumet and Outagamie Counties. The seven-mile project extended from the CTH CB Interchange in the town of Menasha to a mile east of the Oneida Street Interchange in the City of Appleton. The mainline was expanded to six lanes and improved substandard curves at the Midway and Racine Interchanges.
In addition to interchange improvements, the lake crossing over LLBDM was significantly upgraded. The existing 3,251-foot Roland Kampo Bridge (B-70-61) was rehabilitated, extended west, partially widened and converted to westbound traffic only. The new 3,565-foot parallel bridge (B-70-403) over LLBDM now carries eastbound traffic. Additional work involved widening four other existing bridges and theconstruction of 17 new bridges along the corridor. Several local roads adjacent to the corridor were also reconstructed for local community access, which upgraded the existing fragmented bicycle and pedestrian system to a fully connected multi-modal (bicycle/pedestrian) system throughout the project.
Location: Wisconsin
Client: Wisconsin Department of Transportation